The expense
The expense

the expense

He did not want to devote more time to his business at the expense of his family.Enjoyed every episode.From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English at the expense of somebody/something at the expense of somebody/something HARM/BE BAD FOR if something is done at the expense of someone or something else, it is only achieved by doing something that could harm the other person or thing the growth in short breaks, at the expense of longer package holidays → expense Examples from the Corpus at the expense of somebody/something At the same time has taken a strong turn towards wrapping the personal stories of the main characters into the action. Shows how the oppressed have become the oppressors and the breakdown of society on Earth. This season was one of most satisfying I've seen.

the expense

On the other hand on earth we have general elections in the midst of a crisis. Showed us how Mars fell into decay and corruption took all over. There is also a subplot in the solar system. This makes the colonization process a disaster. New habitable worlds were discovered giving the opportunity for a fresh start, but certain groups think they have ownership rights to things that don't belong to anyone. Humanity learned nothing from past conflicts. Season four show us survival of people on a unknown planet, we also get more knowledge about the protomolecule and it's builders. This season is one of the best I've watched. New habitable worlds have been discovered and this creates a new gold rush. But it does not stop there, the second half of the season an event in particular (The Ring) takes the story to a new path and has lot of effect on different characters lives. Unlike previous season's this one has lots of action, spaceships battles, suspense, thrills and even more politics.

the expense

In season three, characters from both sides of the conflict come together to prevent a full-scale war from spreading across the solar system.

the expense

These secrets prove to be something something never imagined, something beyond this world. Please do watch it! - The season two focuses more on a cold war between two superpowers (Earth and Mars), at the same time our main characters start to delve into that sordid secrets surrounding this conflict. like design, weapons, acceleration system, artificial gravity and lots more! That enhance the storytelling and creates several possibilities that I had never imagined. Thanks to that, the Spaceships are created based on these laws. The universe itself shows up as a ''character'' and follows the same laws of physics seen in our universe. Show how nobody is necessarily better than the other, everyone commit atrocities in the name of something they believe be a ''just cause.'' - The first season starts a little slowly, giving time to understand who the characters are, the factions, the current situation and the way things work in the midst of a political intrigue surrounded by secrets. The Expanse main storyline takes us through timeless subjects like resentment, prejudice, greed, anger and love. Show how nobody is necessarily better than the other, everyone commit atrocities in the name of something they I don’t think I’ve ever watched a sci-fi series with such depth. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a sci-fi series with such depth. This is a must watch for any fan of science fiction. Others are motivated by ambition, avarice and the future, with grandiose ideas that lead them astray for the greater good. Some people are looking for purpose, others redemption, a lost loved one, or to heal. At it's core this show is actually about the fate of humanity, with a focus on the reality that everyone really just wants to live their own life, focus on it, and cherish and hopefully grow something resembling a meaningful and happy life. However once enough of them converge the pace picks right back up. There are moments where sometimes the show can get frustrated as many plot lines get inched along. I often went back and forth between liking and disliking some characters. Everyone has goals, and things aren't perfectly clear. Drama is not manufactured like a clique of 14 year old girls like some things have been in the past(looking at YOU stargate universe). Characters that feel real, who are flawed but actually try. The big name Sci-fi shows and films of yesteryear have been sold out and ruined. Drama is not When good writing, acting and effects come together, you get a show like this. When good writing, acting and effects come together, you get a show like this.

The expense